The CP AoR has developed a resource menu of Child Protection COVID-19 resources, which is updated regularly, and maintains a dropbox folder of global, regional, and country guidance documents and examples.
Additionally, a Child Protection and COVID-19 Forum, jointly moderated with the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, has been created. The forum is a safe, interactive space for Child Protection practitioners to share good practices, lessons learned, resources, and questions related to the protection of children amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more about the forum and join here.
For information about The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action technical notes, annexes, webinar recordings, and podcast series, visit this Alliance COVID-19 page.
The CP AoR has produced a global mapping giving an overview of child protection risks related to COVID-19 to ensure that children's protection needs are central to the response planning for COVID19, and that we make use of available data to understand and track settings of greatest concern. Note that data, primarily that coming from the country-level, is being updated as it becomes available. Also, while data is presented with clear sources, it does not represent any particular position or view.
Click this link to access the full map. More data on the situation of children during the COVID-19 pandemic is available here.