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Logros de la oficina de Bolivia año 2023

Les compartimos el boletín que presenta las actividades y los logros alcanzados en este 2023. Dentro del documento encontrarán los principales logros y actividades realizadas por área temática. Son muchos los retos y desafíos que tenemos, pero también hemos logrado avances significativos que…

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2023 Malawi Country Office Stories of Change Resilient Economic Development Gains (RED) Project

Running from July 2019 to June 2024 with funding from Save the Children Italy, the project is focusing on the health and economic status of families with under five children, out of school youth aged15-24 years and women of childbearing age. In total, the project is reaching 4,200 beneficiaries…

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Logros de la oficina de Bolivia año 2023

Les compartimos el boletín que presenta las actividades y los logros alcanzados en este 2023. Dentro del documento encontrarán los principales logros y actividades realizadas por área temática. Son muchos los retos y desafíos que tenemos, pero también hemos logrado avances significativos que…

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USAID Lishe Endelevu’s Mentoring Program for Nutrition Services Providers: Report on Process, Results, and Lessons Learned

USAID/Lishe Endelevu’s clinical mentorship training program aimed to build the knowledge, skills and competences of frontline workers at health facilities, scale up effective implementation of high impact nutrition interventions, and support health facility delivery systems, contributing to…

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Cash and Protection in the Ukraine Response, Learning Report December 2023

This learning report stems from bilateral discussions with the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network’s members in Ukraine and Poland, many of whom were on the cusp of designing or implementing C4P programmes as part of the Ukraine response and were seeking learning and experience from each…

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Girls Decide: Life skills to protect and empower girls affected by migration and displacement

Girls Decide is a lifeskills curriculum which aims to empower and protect girls in situations of migration and/or displacement so that they have safer journeys and better outcomes. Girls Decide is designed to be adapted and used in the many different contexts, stages, settings, and situations (…

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Transformer l’éducation au moyen de financements équitables

Les enfants issus des ménages les plus pauvres sont ceux qui bénéficient le moins des fonds publics nationaux dédiés à l’éducation, indique l’UNICEF dans un nouveau rapport publié aujourd’hui. L’organisation appelle également les gouvernements à investir davantage, et de manière plus équitable,…

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Principles for supporting girl-led groups, networks and movements: Core Values

In line with the Generation Equality agenda that was launched in July 2020, Save the Children is committed to increasing advocacy and financial and technical resources to enhance children’s, particularly adolescent girls’, civic and political skills and leadership, including through increased…

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