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Projet PROTEJEM: “Amélioration de la protection des enfants et jeunes en mobilité sur les routes migratoires de l’Afrique de l’ouest»

Le présent rapport sert de rapport d’évaluation finale du projet « PROTEJEM », qui vise à l’amélioration de la protection des enfants et jeunes en mobilité sur les routes migratoires d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce projet a été mis en oeuvre suite à une constatation concernant la mobilité des…

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Somalia Child Protection and Education Budget Analysis Report 2023

Somalia faces huge developmental challenges with consistent cycles of conflict and disaster -impeding Somalia’s ability to ensure access to all rights for all its children. This impedes Somalia’s ability to ensure access to all rights for all its children – in particular, access to adequate…

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2023 Malawi Country Office Stories of Change Resilient Economic Development Gains (RED) Project

Running from July 2019 to June 2024 with funding from Save the Children Italy, the project is focusing on the health and economic status of families with under five children, out of school youth aged15-24 years and women of childbearing age. In total, the project is reaching 4,200 beneficiaries…

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USAID Lishe Endelevu’s Mentoring Program for Nutrition Services Providers: Report on Process, Results, and Lessons Learned

USAID/Lishe Endelevu’s clinical mentorship training program aimed to build the knowledge, skills and competences of frontline workers at health facilities, scale up effective implementation of high impact nutrition interventions, and support health facility delivery systems, contributing to…

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Cash and Protection in the Ukraine Response, Learning Report December 2023

This learning report stems from bilateral discussions with the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network’s members in Ukraine and Poland, many of whom were on the cusp of designing or implementing C4P programmes as part of the Ukraine response and were seeking learning and experience from each…

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Breaking Structural Barriers Achieving the SDGs: Voluntary Mid-Term Review of the SDGs in Nepal

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) National Network Nepal, an open and independent platform comprising civil society major groups and individuals, pursued the Voluntary Mid-Term Review of SDGs (VMTR 2023). The theme of VMTR 2023 was “Breaking Structural Barriers: Achieving the SDGs,” with the…

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Strengthening inclusive social protection systems for displaced children and their families

Social protection has emerged as a crucial policy and programme measure to reduce poverty and help those impacted by crises to prepare for, cope with and recover from shocks. Despite the recognition of the value of social protection, only 26.4 per cent of children globally receive social protection…

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Economic Case for Investing in Children: Literature review and analysis

This paper provides a review of evidence on the socio-economic case for investing in children. This includes an analysis of both i) the returns associated with investments in children and ii) the costs of inaction in investing in children.

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How to implement the Grand Bargain commitments at the country-level?

This was developed by the Grand Bargain Secretariat with the aim to translate the results achieved so far into practical examples of implementation and also to strengthen the linkages with the country-level. The Grand Bargain only makes a difference if we ensure it has an impact on the ground–…

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Included, Every Step of the Way: Upholding the rights of migrant and displaced children with disabilities

Children with disabilities and children on the move represent highly diverse populations living in a broad range of circumstances. But as two of the most marginalized groups of children in the world, there is much they have in common, often-times neglected in data collection, policies and…

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