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Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Zambia

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to…

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Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Somalia

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to…

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Child-Sensitive Social Protection: An investment case for Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Uganda

This report and a series of case studies were conducted to gather evidence on which child-sensitive social protection (CSSP) programs in Malawi, Uganda, Somalia, and Zambia are most beneficial and cost-efficient in the long term. The analysis then examines measures these governments have taken to…

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UNICEF Global Cluster Coordination Section Quarterly Newsletter #10, January 2024

Read the latest from the UNICEF's Global Cluster Coordination Section, featuring news across UNICEF-led clusters — Child Protection, Education, Nutrition, and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene.  This issue includes insights into how humanitarian coordination enables humanitarian assistance in the most…

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Strengthening Social Protection in Solomon Islands

Social protection plays an important role in promoting socio-economic development, reducing poverty and vulnerability, and protecting individuals, households and communities against shocks around the world. Solomon Islands is at the very start of a long-term process of putting in place a social…

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USAID Lishe Endelevu’s Mentoring Program for Nutrition Services Providers: Report on Process, Results, and Lessons Learned

USAID/Lishe Endelevu’s clinical mentorship training program aimed to build the knowledge, skills and competences of frontline workers at health facilities, scale up effective implementation of high impact nutrition interventions, and support health facility delivery systems, contributing to…

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Transformer l’éducation au moyen de financements équitables

Les enfants issus des ménages les plus pauvres sont ceux qui bénéficient le moins des fonds publics nationaux dédiés à l’éducation, indique l’UNICEF dans un nouveau rapport publié aujourd’hui. L’organisation appelle également les gouvernements à investir davantage, et de manière plus équitable,…

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UNPROTECTED: Special Edition - Analysis of Funding for Child Protection in Armed Conflict in 2021 and 2022

Oslo Conference on Protecting Children in Armed Conflict 5–6 June 2023 The impact of armed conflict on children is one of the most pressing humanitarian concerns today. A strong humanitarian child protection response is critical to protect children and promote their rights, dignity, and resilience…

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Working with other sectors to enhance outcomes of MHPSS elements of child protection: An introductory guide for child protection practitioners

Per the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, MHPSS is not a stand-alone area, but one that should be integrated into all sectors. Robust cooperation across all sectors is needed for MHPSS to produce the desired outcomes. Collaboration between child…

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HNO and HRP Quality Checklist for Localization

This quality checklist reviews why localization is important to reflect in Humanitarian Needs Overviews (HNOs) and Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) as well as how to include in Child Protection Coordination Group HNOs and HRPs.  This 2-page resource also includes a sample HRP Project Sheet on…

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