
Mitigating the Impact of Explosive Ordnance on Children through Collaborative Humanitarian Action

This guidance aims to support key stakeholders to strengthen risk reduction and the response to the needs of child victims of explosive ordnance (EO) throughout humanitarian programme cycles (HPC). For the purpose of his guidance, the focus of prevention efforts is on targeted and inclusive explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) for children, and the focus of response is on improving access to services for child victims.

The objective is to make humanitarian programming more responsive to the impact of explosive ordnance on children in any given context, and especially in high priority countries. The sequencing focuses on the established steps in the HPC, including the development of humanitarian needs overviews (HNO) that lead up to informing the design of humanitarian response plans (HRP). 

For more information, visit the Mine Action and Child Protection webpage.

All resources including a series of annexes are available in the full package.

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