Request tailored, remote support on child protection coordination, information management, and thematic areas.
Demander un soutien à distance sur mesure pour la coordination de la protection de l'enfance, la gestion de l'information et les domaines thématiques.
Solicite asistencia remota sobre coordinación en Protección de la Niñez, gestión de la información y otras áreas temáticas.
.قم بطلب دعم مخصص عن بعد في أي من مجالات تنسيق حماية الطفل وإدارة المعلومات أو أي من مواضيع حماية الطفل الأخرى
In recent years, and especially since 2013, there have been alarming trends and a significant increase in the killing and maiming of children as a result of accidents with explosive ordnance (EO). With the humanitarian imperative to better protect children from explosive hazards and to ensure that child victims have access to the assistance required, the Child Protection, Mine Action AoRs, Education, Health clusters and respective lead agencies agreed on and committed to four main collective outcomes to guide the response:
In order to build on efforts to achieve these outcomes increasing inter-cluster collaboration and cross-sectoral approaches has been essential. As of January 2020, a technical reference group (TRG) was formed to contribute to these efforts, comprised of experts and coordinators from AoR and Cluster lead agencies, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Landmine Monitor, Humanity and Inclusion, OCHA, Mines Advisory Group, and the IFRC/ICRC.
Moreover, a Senior Protection Advisor deployed to the clusters in close collaboration with the TRG, is developing an “Explosive Ordnance Child Casualties: Prevention and Response Package” in support of more systematic inclusion of EO prevention and response for children in the humanitarian program cycle, where and when needed most. This guidance will be published here soon.
A guidance, aiming to support key stakeholders to strengthen humanitarian prevention and response to child victims of explosive ordnance throughout humanitarian programme cycles (HPC), is being developed. Read the draft of the guidance here.
Read more about the collaboration here or contact the CP AoR Helpdesks.