Request tailored, remote support on child protection coordination, information management, and thematic areas.
Demander un soutien à distance sur mesure pour la coordination de la protection de l'enfance, la gestion de l'information et les domaines thématiques.
Solicite asistencia remota sobre coordinación en Protección de la Niñez, gestión de la información y otras áreas temáticas.
.قم بطلب دعم مخصص عن بعد في أي من مجالات تنسيق حماية الطفل وإدارة المعلومات أو أي من مواضيع حماية الطفل الأخرى
Over the last years, calls for humanitarian agencies and donors to be ‘as local as possible, and as international as necessary’ have dominated dialogue within the humanitarian space, with discourse on how this aim can be achieved. Despite efforts towards this aim, Local and National Actors (LNAs) access to and meaningful participation, representation and leadership in the humanitarian coordination system remains varied and limited. The advantages and gains of cluster coordination that is meaningfully inclusive of local and national actors cannot be overemphasized and it is therefore important that cluster coordination mechanisms support meaningful efforts on localizations.
It is on this basis that the Global Cluster Coordination Group invites members / partners of Clusters and Areas of Responsibilities (AoRs) to the MENA region localisation webinar. The aim of the webinar is to share good practices, challenges and lessons on promoting participation, representation and leadership of LNAs in humanitarian coordination mechanisms. The sessions will draw from experiences of Clusters and AoRs in line with the IASC Guidance on Strengthening Participation, Representation and Leadership of Local and National Actors in IASC Humanitarian Coordination Mechanisms. Specifically, the webinar will focus on:
Session format: Remote
Session date: Thursday, 06 July 2023
Session time: 1000 – 1130 Amman time/0900 – 1030 Geneva time
Language: Arabic
Translation: English
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