Request tailored, remote support on child protection coordination, information management, and thematic areas.
Demander un soutien à distance sur mesure pour la coordination de la protection de l'enfance, la gestion de l'information et les domaines thématiques.
Solicite asistencia remota sobre coordinación en Protección de la Niñez, gestión de la información y otras áreas temáticas.
.قم بطلب دعم مخصص عن بعد في أي من مجالات تنسيق حماية الطفل وإدارة المعلومات أو أي من مواضيع حماية الطفل الأخرى
The Child Protection Area of Responsibility Honduras (CP AoR) was activated in February 2021. The CP AoR Honduras is led by UNICEF and around 20 organizations between government and NGO's are part of it.
2024 Response plan in numbers
Honduras has a very fragile situation that makes children extremely vulnerable. The current response is focused in providing assistance to people in mixed movements (migration, IDPs and returnees), people affected by food insecurity, violence, climate change and natural disasters.
Adding to development problems and the vulnerability of its population to violence and poverty, in the year 2020, Honduras like many other countries had the COVID-19 emergency. In November 2020 unexpectedly two tropical storms, ETA and IOTA, hit Honduras, one next to the other in the same month. After that the Clusters were activated. At the moment, Honduras is still trying to recover from these disasters. These and other factors as droughts in other areas of the country increased the number of internal displacements and migration. Honduras also has a mixed influx of migrants on the Southern border, which has increased tremendously in the last years. Also a high number of Honduras nationals, among them children, are being returned from the North. Some families and children re-enter the country without being noticed by authorities or registered. All of these circumstances make a very unstable situation for children. The resilience of the population and children is very fragile at the moment because of the unexpected added situations.