


The political, military, socioeconomic and climatic developments in Chad contribute to an increasingly fragile environment: massive displacements (IDPs and refugees) due the deteriorating security situation, livelihoods impacted by the border closures and climate change events (heavy rains and flooding), epidemics, etc.

Based in Djamena, the national coordination group lead by Unicef in co-leadership with the government and co-facilitated by a national organization APSEPA, ensures that the efforts of national and international humanitarian actors to protect children are well coordinated, achieving maximum quality and impact." At sub-national level, child protection working groups lead by UNICEF and the government are also present in Bol, Moundou and Ouaddai.

Country Key Contacts

Motoyam Nanitom

Coordinator [email protected]


IM section [email protected]

Key Figures

2024 response plan in numbers

290 K
People in Need
229 K
People Targeted
6 M
Funding Requested
0.5 M
Funding Received


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