
Central African Republic


The complex humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic is entering its eighth year, with over one million people internally displaced and people living as refugees outside of the country due to conflicts. An estimated 59 per cent of the population in need of humanitarian assistance are children.

At national level, Child Protection AoR is led by UNICEF and co-led by Plan. There are four coordination groups at sub-national level: Bambari (co-lead JRS), Bossangoa (co-lead SOS Village), Kaga Bandoro (co-lead Intersos) and Bouar. Through this approach, the CP AoR aims to strengthen prevention, response and the protective environment for girls and boys affected by armed conflict in CAR, and to provide an integrated response to make child protection more holistic approach to the different needs of children.

Country Key Contacts

Marjana Badas

Coordinator [email protected]

Yvon Martial Ngana

Information Management Officer [email protected]

Salimatou TRAORE

Coordinator (co-lead)-IRC [email protected]

Key figures

2024 response plan in numbers

1.1 M
People in Need
314 K
People Targeted
72.9 M
Funding Requested
0.6 M
Funding Received

Country Overview

Humanitarian Situation

According to the analysis of the Child Protection Sub-Cluster, 920,000 children are in need of protection, or 15% more compared to 2019. This PIN is made up of 51% of girls and includes 138,000 children in a situation of handicap (15% of the PIN). The severity of the needs is particularly acute in the sub-prefectures of Bamingui, Rafai, Koui, Ngaoundaye, Paoua, Batangafo, Grimari, Boganangone, Mongoumba, Zémio, Ndélé and Kembé. According to the results of the NASM, 28% of the households interviewed are concerned about the safety of their children, mainly regarding sexual violence against girls and forced labor and recruitment for boys. However, there is a big difference between households on the move and those from the host population. Indeed, 41% of households living in IDP sites expressed concern mainly about the recruitment of children by armed groups, sexual violence and murder. This situation is particularly alarming in the Haut-Mbomou prefecture, where 62% of the households interviewed expressed concern for the safety of their children, 79% of which are in the Zémio sub-prefecture. The situation is also very worrying in the sub-prefectures of Ngaoundaye, Batangafo and Kaga Bandoro.

COVID-19 has had a negative impact on the mental and physical well-being of children in CAR. Rising prices for major consumer foods, as well as the closure of schools and child-friendly spaces, have forced children to work to contribute to household survival. Several assessments have reported an increase in the number of children working in mining sites. According to the results of the MSNA, the sub-prefectures most affected by the “worst form of child labor” 109 are Amada-Gaza, Bossangoa, Markounda, Abba, Bamingui, Ndélé and Boganangone. The situation of children in these sub-prefectures could have been largely influenced by (i) population movements, (ii) violence linked to transhumance, (iii) restriction of access to fields, (iv) l '' increase in the prices of basic products, (v) the closure of schools and child-friendly spaces and (vi) their proximity to artisanal mining sites.

Response Plan

The response strategy of the Child Protection Sub-Cluster (SCPE) in 2021 will focus on three priority areas: i) strengthening the protective environment for children, ii) strengthening the resilience and mental well-being of children and parents , iii) ensure that vulnerable children and surviving children have access to quality holistic care The strategy of the SCPE is based on a multisectoral response to strengthen prevention through a protective environment for girls and boys affected by violence, armed conflict and humanitarian shocks of other types. In order to minimize the vulnerability of children and offer them a holistic response, the SCPE, in collaboration with the Protection Cluster and the other sub-clusters, will encourage more collaboration with the actors of the Health, Nutrition, WASH and CCCM / Shelter Clusters. / NFI in the most affected areas. Collaboration with the Education Cluster will be particularly strengthened with a view to facilitate the return to school of vulnerable children, including those who, following the closure of schools, find themselves in the worst forms of work in mines, in prostitution and associated with armed groups, to reduce their vulnerability and strengthen their protection. The CSEP will promote a community-based protection approach to prevent and respond to cases of violence, abuse and exploitation of children. In the same perspective, it will be necessary to strengthen the capacity of parents or guardians to support their children. The CSEP will primarily target those with children who are in care.

2023 Key figures


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