The Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (Global CP AoR) and Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action have partnered to organize and facilitate this Community of Practice (CoP) to provide a safe, online space for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPHA) practitioners to communicate with other practitioners and share resources, updates and promising practices. Family for Every Child supports this initiative via the Changemakers for Children platform.
You can join here and use this group to:
- Connect with colleagues and fellow CPHA practitioners around the world.
- Communicate: Ask questions. Discuss current issues and practices.
- Share ideas, updates, events and resources.
- Take action: Learn how to use Changemakers for Children platform to further children's rights here.
Please note: The CPHA community of practice hosted on Changemakers for Children does not replace other existing communities, such as the Global CP AoR Arabic, French, and Spanish Facebook Communities of Practice or Skype Group for CP Coordinators, Co-Coordinators, and Information Management Specialists. One-on-one, individualised support through the Global CP AoR Help Desks also remains available for those who prefer to ask questions outside of this forum. Visit here to contact your relevant Help Desk: