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Colombia and Lebanon Evaluation Report: Measuring the impact of cash on child protection outcomes

As humanitarian crises break down traditional protection mechanisms and the loss of income restricts access to basic resources, children become increasingly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a critical modality that is increasingly being…

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Starka mammor – trygga barn 3/3: Dubbelpluggande barn hinner aldrig vara lediga

Irina berättar om sin sjuttonåriga son som går i ukrainsk och svensk skola samtidigt. Han är väldigt stressad och hinner aldrig vara ledig. I studion Eva Harnesk, projektledare för Starka mammor – trygga barn och Anders Linquist, krissamordnare på Skolverket som pratar om ukrainska barns…

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De första åren i Sverige – ukrainska mammor berättar

Med studien De första åren i Sverige – ukrainska mammor berättar vill Rädda Barnen belysa hur några ukrainska mammor upplever sin egen och sina barns situation i Sverige.  I den här studien låter vi sex mammor från Ukraina, bosatta i olika delar av Sverige sedan 2022, få komma till tals. De…

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Hope and Harm: Children’s Experiences of Seeking Safety in Europe

In the last two years, over 2 million children have fled their countries of origin to European countries. They have fled alone, or with their families, predominately from the devastating conflict in Ukraine, as well as conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere…

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Save the Children Humanitarian Plan 2024: Acting Now to Protect Children’s Future

This is an annual report published at the beginning of each year to outline Save the Children’s priorities in support of children’s rights in humanitarian contexts. It looks at the key challenges that children will face in the year ahead and highlights our planned humanitarian programme and…

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