
Capacity Development

The CP AoR provides trainings and links coordination group members to other learning opportunities to strengthen child protection coordination in emergencies worldwide.

Learning and Development 

The Global CP AoR has developed its Learning and Development (L&D) Strategy 2023 – 2026 which aims at enabling the Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) to provide structured and strategic support in order to strengthen the current and future capacity and competence of child protection coordination teams to effectively coordinate quality child protection in humanitarian action efforts at national and sub-national level. The Learning and Development Strategy will facilitate the consolidation of previous initiatives and existing resources and the introduction of new interventions based on evidence of learning needs. This will ensure the Global CP AoR can maximize the impact of capacity strengthening activities on the competence and capacity of Child Protection Coordination Groups. 

Learning and Development Strategy: Full Document (EN)

L&D Strategy


The Global CP AoR Learning and Development Strategy is informed by findings of a capacity assessment that was conducted between July and October 2022 in three key areas: the child protection coordination team capacity landscape, child protection coordination and information management competencies and the existing learning landscape. 

The main and summary reports of the assessment are available below. The summary report is available in Arabic, French and Spanish.

Child Protection Area of Responsibility Capacity Assessment Report: Full Document (EN)
● CP AoR Capacity Assessment - Summary (EN) | Summary (FR) | Summary (ES) | Summary (AR)

Face-to-face opportunities

If you are interested in learning more about CP AoR Coordination and Information Management training curricula in English and French, contact the CP AoR Global Help Desk at [email protected]

Listed below are a number of e-learning courses, webinars, and other sources of learning for Child Protection in Emergencies. 

Other Learning Opportunities

Author: CP AoR and the CPC
Date: 29.09.20

Children's voice: maintaining and adapting for safe child participation during COVID-19

Author: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 08.09.20

Impacts of COVID-19 on programs related to CAAFAG

Author: Global Protection Cluster
Date: 31.08.20

GBV/CP Coordination for Inclusion of Child and Adolescent Survivors of Sexual Violence, and Adapted Responses during COVID-19

Author: Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies/The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 13.08.20

Weighing risks school closure and reopening during COVID-19

Author: Street Child/CPHA Cash Task Force
Date: 31.07.20

Cash interventions and Child Protection outcomes for children

Author: No Limit Generation
Date: 31.07.20

Enhance Safety and Connectedness Between Mothers and Babies During COVID-19

Author: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action’s COVID-19 Advocacy Team
Date: 16.07.20

The Need for Governments to Consult Child Protection Advisers when Loosening COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 19.05.20

Webinar: COVID-19 - Protecting Children from Violence, Abuse, and Neglect in the Home

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 11.05.20

Webinar: Strengthening Family & Caregiving Environments—CPMS Standard 16 in the Context of COVID-19

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 01.05.20

Webinar: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Children and Alternative Care

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and UNICEF
Date: 29.04.20

Webinar: Adapting Child Protection Case Management to the COVID-19 Context

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 28.04.20

Webinar: Introduction to CPMS in Latin America (Spanish edition)

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and UNICEF
Date: 28.04.20

Webinar: COVID-19 and Children Deprived of their Liberty

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 24.04.20

Webinar: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic (French edition)

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 23.04.20

Webinar: Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer and Child Protection: A Case Study (English edition)

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 23.04.20

Webinar: Multi-Purpose Cash Transfer and Child Protection: A Case Study (Spanish edition)

Author: The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (GPEV) and the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN)
Date: 08.04.20

Webinar: COVID-19 and Child Protection

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 08.04.20

Webinar: Child Protection and COVID-19 (including considerations for refugee populations)

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 30.03.20

Webinar: Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 13.03.20

Webinar: What's new? The 2019 edition of the CPMS (English edition)

Author: ICRC and CP AoR
Date: 14.02.20

Webinar: ICRC and Child Protection ENG/ES/FR

Author: WHO and Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
Date: 16.04.19

Webinar: Ending violence against children: how the INSPIRE technical package can help

Author: Terre des Hommes
Date: 15.11.18

Webinar: From violent extremism to resilience: Seeking real transformation for children and youth

Author: The Alliance
Date: 21.01.21

Updated e-course on the 2019 CPMS

Author: CP AoR
Date: 24.11.20

Orientation of frontline workers delivering community based mental health and psychosocial support

Author: CP AoR
Date: 24.11.20

Orientaciones para los trabajadores de primera línea ofreciendo apoyo en salud mental y apoyo psicosocial basado en comunidades

Author: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 26.10.20

E-course: Protecting Children During COVID-19 (MOOC)

Author: IOM
Date: 25.06.20

E-course: Combatting trafficking in persons in emergencies

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: Child Protection Coordination Training

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS)

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: CPIE Situation and Response Monitoring

Author: Save the Children

E-Course: Promoting Children's Development & Wellbeing (sub-courses also available)

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: Introduction to CPRA


E-Course: Introduction to Child Protection

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: Interagency Guidelines for CM and CP

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: MOOC - Children's Rights in Theory and Practice

Author: CPC and Columbia University

E-Course: Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings

Author: Plan International

E-Course: Child Protection in Emergencies


E-Course: Introduction to Psychosocial Support Programming

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

E-Course: Introduction to Child Protection Case Management Supervision and Coaching

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 16.05.20

Podcast: Protected! The COVID-19 Edition

Author: GBViE
Date: 22.04.20

Podcast: GBV Service provision during COVID-19

Author: the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
Date: 17.07.19

Video Series: Overview of child protection case management in humanitarian settings

Author: Save the Children
Date: 24.10.16

Video Series: How to use the Child Protection Minimum Standards

Author: IRC

Podcast: Displaced

Author: ICRC

Podcast: INTERCROSS: The Podcast

Author: GBVIMS

Podcast: The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS)


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