


Children are affected by specific protection problems such as: psychosocial distress, family separation, association with armed groups and forced recruitment, exposure to mines and other explosive devices, but also by already structural protection problems in the country that are exacerbated by exploitation and abuse by marabouts, gender-based violence (child marriage, survival sex, sexual exploitation), child labour and other forms of abuse.

The child protection coordination AoR, led by UNICEF and co-led by COOPI, ensures the coordination of child protection interventions in emergencies to respond to the protection needs of children affected by conflict and natural disasters.There are two coordination groups at sub-national level: in Diffa (in co-leadership with the Government (DRPE) and in Tillabery (led by the Government (DRPE).

Country Key Contacts

Francine Shindano

Coordinator (lead) [email protected]

Sostene Benjamen Lucien

Information Management Officer [email protected]

Mahamane Hamissou, Ousmane Lalo

Coordinator (co-lead) [email protected]

Mme Amina

Coordinator (co-lead) / MPFPE [email protected]

Key Figures

2023 response plan in numbers

843 k
People in Need
504 k
People Targeted
15.3 M
Funding Requested
1.8 M
Funding Received

Country Overview

Humanitarian Situation

According to the needs analysis, in value, 665,918 children will be in need of protection and Diffa is the region with more than half of the children in the need (291 258), followed by Tillabéri (139 842) then from Maradi (99 628), Tahoua (45 041), Agadez (34 826), Niamey (22,224), Zinder (21,082) and Dosso (12,018). 

Attacks by non-state armed groups as well that inter-community conflicts in the regions of Diffa, Tillabéri, Tahoua and Maradi contribute to population displacements, which affect more of 314,000 people and are damaging the environment protector of their children, 63% of whom live in severity threshold 3 and for 33% in severity threshold 4. These movements create protection risks for child protection: non-registration births, family separations, kidnappings and / or recruitments by GANEs, increased risks abuse, violence and child labor.

The most vulnerable groups, children, have been impacted by the repercussions of the measures governments taken to fight Covid-19: in fact, out-of-school children have suffered full force of the impact of the pandemic on their families, communities and other pillars / social nets. Girls and boys, adolescent girls and boys have been often in a state of idleness, exposed to more from risks of hazards and injuries, to negligence and possibly an increase in violence physical and / or psychological and / or sexual due to the degradation of socio-economic pressure: these situations only exacerbate their psychosocial distress. 

Response Plan

Objectives 1: Reduce the risks of violation of children's rights through preventive measures for 170,259 children and adults promoting a protective environment

Objective 2: Improve the quality and access to response services for 32% of children in need

Response strategy to achieve the two specific objectives, the child protection sub-cluster has selected three (3) main activities according to the specific needs of the regions affected by the crisis:

1. The 212,823 children in need targeted for PSS activities had access to at least one type of PSS service.

2. The 4,537 targeted ES / ENA benefited from transitional care and / or individual follow-up with possible community reintegration.

3. 170,259 children and / or adults are affected by awareness-raising activities exposing child protection issues The activities of the Sub-Cluster include work to improve work processes between partners on various themes such as sexual violence against children , girls or boys, child exploitation and begging, child trafficking, etc.


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