


Timid economic growth, improvement in the security situation as well as enhanced agricultural production have contributed to the reduction of acute needs since late 2018. Nonetheless, high vulnerability and deep chronic poverty continue to drive humanitarian needs.

Burundi is highly vulnerable to economic shocks, epidemics of cholera and malaria, and climate-induced disasters.
Difficult access to basic services, the socio-economic context and climate hazards are all factors of vulnerability that expose children to protection risks, through the development of negative coping mechanisms, such as dropping out of school, child labour, prostitution, and various forms of exploitation and human trafficking.

Country Key Contacts

Ildephonse Birhaheka

Coordinator [email protected]


Coordinator (co-lead) [email protected]


IMO Cluster [email protected]

Key Figures

2023 response plan in numbers

119 k
People in Need
95 k
People Targeted
1.9 M
Funding Requested
0.6 M
Funding Received

Country Overview

Humanitarian Situation

In 2021, 241,000 children are estimated to be in need of protection - only 1.6 percent less than in 2020. This number includes 70,000 displaced children (52 percent of whom are girls) due to natural disasters, 28,000 children repatriated between 2017 and 2020 and still in need of protection, as well as 52,000 children scheduled for repatriation in 2021 and 91,000 other vulnerable children. In a context of increased precariousness by the socio-economic impact of Covid-19, internal displacement and repatriation, the limited resilience of households exposes children to significant protection risks.

A major challenge remains civil registration and obtaining birth certificates, which are prerequisites for children's education and access to health care. Parents in an extremely precarious situation, especially parents of repatriated children who are already facing various reintegration problems, may not perceive these administrative obligations as a priority or be discouraged by various bottlenecks (price, distance to school). 'recording, etc.). Thus, only 45 percent of children repatriated since 2017 have received a birth certificate (Voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees, update as of 31 August 2020, UNHCR) despite efforts to provide this service in areas of high return. Efforts to strengthen multisectoral sensitization of families, as well as the involvement of the administration and community protection structures are fundamental to improve the well-being and the educational, socio-economic, family and community reintegration of repatriated or displaced children. as well as other children in extremely vulnerable situations.

Response Plan

In 2021, it is estimated that 242,378 children will need protection. Of these, 159,527 (or just over 65 percent of children in need) will be targeted by humanitarian assistance for child protection. This total includes 69,449 internally displaced children, 80,872 returnee children and 9,206 other vulnerable children. Child protection issues will be addressed in the most vulnerable provinces, especially those hosting large numbers of returnees in the north. and in the east of the country and those, located in the west, which welcome children on the move and those deprived of parental care.

The sub-sector will meet the main identified child protection needs in Burundi, namely : child trafficking and exploitation, access to administrative documentation (civil status registration and obtaining birth certificate) necessary to access essential services, the situation of separated or unaccompanied children (ENA / ES), and the psychological distress of children who have suffered various shocks. The sub-sector will support access to civil status documents for children by identifying children in need - particularly in connection with the education sector - and monitoring and advocacy with the competent authorities for the granting of birth certificates. The sub-sector's response will mainly be based on a community approach. In this sense, the child protection committees (CPE) set up at the village level and the solidarity groups (SG) of women and men set up at the hill level and organized and village associations will be strengthened and their workers will be trained to be better equipped in their front-line role. These trainings will also be given to the coordination for family and community development (CDFC) which represent the Minister of social action at provincial and municipal level.


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