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Logros de la oficina de Bolivia año 2023

Les compartimos el boletín que presenta las actividades y los logros alcanzados en este 2023. Dentro del documento encontrarán los principales logros y actividades realizadas por área temática. Son muchos los retos y desafíos que tenemos, pero también hemos logrado avances significativos que…

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Sustainable Livelihoods Community Led Conservation Project Baseline Report

The baseline study sought to establish and document the status quo, to which attribution of the project can be measured during mid-term and end line of the project life cycle, determine the challenges faced by families living in the coastal communities of Pujehun and Bonthe districts of Sierra…

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Integrated Community Case Management of Pneumonia, Malaria and Diarrhea Evidence Update (July 2019 – October 2022)

The first evidence review conducted in 2019 was based on evidence covering multiple studies or programs in multiple countries. The rationale was that most published papers on integrated community case management (iCCM) included in the 2017 Save the Children (SC) iCCM document were on individual…

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Sri Lanka Rapid Needs Assessment February 2023

Since 2022, Sri Lanka has been experiencing a complex and multidimensional macro-economic crisis that has now turned into a humanitarian emergency. The ability of families and communities to manage economic shocks has been significantly impacted, and many households have been forced to adopt…

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Guaranteeing Children’s Future: How COVID-19, cost-of-living and climate crises affect children in poverty and what governments in Europe need to do

No country is free of child poverty. Europe is one of the wealthiest regions of the world, yet it has alarming and increasing numbers of children and families living with poverty and social exclusion. This report presents the latest figures, information, and trends on how children and families are…

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Levels and Trends in Child Mortality: Report 2022

In total, more than 5.0 million children under age 5, including 2.3 million newborns, along with 2.1 million children and youth aged 5 to 24 years – 43 per cent of whom are adolescents – died in 2021. This tragic and massive loss of life, most of which was due to preventable or treatable causes, is…

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Economic Case for Investing in Children: Literature review and analysis

This paper provides a review of evidence on the socio-economic case for investing in children. This includes an analysis of both i) the returns associated with investments in children and ii) the costs of inaction in investing in children.

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Never Forgotten: The situation of stillbirth around the globe

This inter-agency report presents a detailed review of the global situation of stillbirth. Reflections and analysis are made on the impact of COVID-19 as well as other global factors. For robust data visualizations, visit

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Addressing Child Poverty in Europe: Selected programmes by Save the Children

This overview provides information about selected work of Save the Children members and offices in 14 European countries to address child poverty in the region. It highlights key areas of focus, explains who the main beneficiaries are and showcases some positive activities and results towards…

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How to implement the Grand Bargain commitments at the country-level?

This was developed by the Grand Bargain Secretariat with the aim to translate the results achieved so far into practical examples of implementation and also to strengthen the linkages with the country-level. The Grand Bargain only makes a difference if we ensure it has an impact on the ground–…

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